My post about DA*
I'm a coward so I did it anonymously. But I figure, what the heck--I should be braver, and yo, this blog doesn't get a lot of traffic. I posted this in the very long and heart-felt (hey romance writers and romance readers--what do you expect?) thread at Smart Bitches. anon because I'm still intimidated ** says: March 27, 2015 at 8:34 am I’ve never been attacked by Jane so I’m not taking the whole thing personally, but “attack” is definitely the word for some of the backs and forths I’ve witnessed between her and authors and publishers. Generally speaking, I think I’ve agreed with her more often than not. Yet I’ve also seen a kind of self-righteousness and holier-than-most attitude that almost made me feel sorry for the people she’d target…almost but, like I said, she was usually right. [I'd amend that to "she was often right"] I’d hope that a purely black and white view of issues will end for her now that she’s guilty of doing the sort o...