
Showing posts from November, 2014

happy new book day to me!

"Must Loathe Norcross is small town m/m romance with a lot of hot body lusting, neighbourly nosiness, some quirky humour, and a delightfully gentle sense of love and romance." booktopia november romance buzz "...  I really had fun with it. I love Summer/Kate's writing and it always pulls me right through from start to finish. Recommended." five stars Eli Easton It's out today! Right now! You can go buy a copy for less than the cost of a Barnes and Noble fancy drink that I'm planning on buying myself to celebrate release day! buy at Samhain. buy at Amazon buy at barnes and noble When it comes to love, there’s no such thing as traveling light. Born wealthy and ambitious, Grady once worked hard and played hard—so hard, it brought him to the brink of ruin. Now, after a five-year retreat into the contemplative life, he’s dipping a toe back into the real world. Assigned to write a series of articles about a Connecticut valley’s small...

New cover! Old book!

A fantasy romance, set in another world. "This is a weird and wonderful fantasy. Very powerful--and uplifting.  --Rob Preece (Goodreads) The revolution has swept the world, and the ancient rulers--mind-travelers who controlled others with their psychic powers--have been swept from existence. But one of the true revolutionaries must follow rumor to track down the last of the mind-travelers. Hunting mind-travelers is what Cor does--despite the burden of guilt he carries. The cast-away, Numi had been banished from society for her powers. Beautiful and more dangerous than any other enemy Cor's encountered. Numi will haunt her enemy the only way she knows how. . . I wrote this a while back and published it via booksforabuck. It was never a big seller, except it did very well at fictionwise....which should tell you how long ago the book came out. (fictionwise went under in 2012.) Last month, I got the rights back from. I had an editor g...

why pointergate is important--despite the stupid title

I worked with refugees for ten years. Every one of the hundreds of people coming through my classroom had lived in a war-torn country. Every single person I met there had seen people they loved killed. the women who'd watched all the men and boys over 12 marched to the village green and shot to death. Every. Single. Male. the woman who had her baby taken from her and thrown over and over against a wall the man who had both his hands and feet lopped off the man who cried every day at the back of the classroom and whose hands were permanently bent because they'd been tied for over a year. the kids who wore that thousand yard stare no matter what you said to them or showed them Their stories seem so far removed from our world that it doesn't seem possible it could happen here. I learned three things from working with them: 1. No country inhabited by humans is safe from the terror created by that kind of hatred. 2. People you think you know can turn unbelievably ho...