rerun season in SBD land
I miss SBD so I want to write one. But honestly, I'm going through a reread-fest. It feels right and I wonder if that's because of the way I was raised. Back In The Day, when summer rolled around, television stopped showing anything new and anyone who needed a fix would watch old stuff. Since that's not true anymore, I have to find repeats where I can. I've been well trained. Speaking of training, I don't think our new dog is as well-trained as she should be and I might have to look for help. I've had dogs before but those were normal sized creatures--at least thirty-five pounds. Heck, our old dog is almost 80 pounds. This thing is 7 lbs at most. When I hold food over her head to get her to sit, she rears up on her hind legs and bounces like a rabbit--it's her one trick. When I try to push her rump down for sitting, she skitters away, scared that I'll try to pick her up. (She's not crazy about that.) So what's left to do? I guess not bothe...